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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Notti me!

Yesterday night, Mummy and Daddy gave me a good but gentle scolding. Cause I made Mummy and Daddy worried for nearly a day. On Monday night, I was too tired to move at all thus I chose to sleep and recuperate from my hyperactiveness for the past few weeks. Mummy was curious and started panicking. She alerted Daddy that I was not moving and my oh my, I could hear them praying and tapping the tum tum and calling my name several times. Well, I chose to ignore and continue hybernating in the cozy womb. Finally, they gave up and went to sleep.

Yesterday morning, pardon me for not being awake. I guessed I was really exhausted. Mummy nearly wanted to visit the gynae to check if I was ok. It was till dinner time when I felt that I was hungry, I gave Mummy a big kick. That's when she heaved a sigh of relief.

So what happened after that, you should know the story. Oh well, I learnt my lesson and today I shall make my signature moves again. Ha Ha.

Current Mood: Repented

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